Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to shop at HealthFull Care?

Yes. HealthFull Care is certified secure by Trusted Site (formerly McAfee Secure). We check for malware and various security issues every day. Also we have never and will never sell your information to any person or corporation.

Is it secure to pay at HealthFull Care?

Yes. All HealthFull Care payments are handled by the most trustworthy and secure payment companies (Stripe, PayPal and Recon/CityLink). We don’t keep your credit cards, PayPals, PayMe, WeChat Pay or AliPay informations.

Is HealthFull Care shipping fast and reliable?

Yes. All HealthFull Care shipping are handled by SF Express. We ship orders from Monday to Friday, excluding public holidays.

What is the minimum order at HealthFull Care?

We do not have any minimum order. But for order below HKD 150, the shipping fee will be flat rate HKD 50.

How much is the shipping fee?

Free shipping for order HKD 150 or above. Flat rate shipping HKD 50 for order below HKD 150.

Can I get free shipping?

Yes. To get free shipping, your order total must be HKD 150 or above.

How do I know if my order has been shipped?

We will email your order's SF Express tracking number to you.

Do you accept cash on delivery or bank transfer?

No. At this moment, we only accept credit cards, PayPal, PayMe, AliPay and WeChat Pay.

Do you have physical store? Can you sell offline?

No. HealthFull Care is online store only and we don't sell offline.

I receive email that my order is completed but have not yet received SF Express tracking number email?

Don’t worry. Your order is actually processing even if our computer automatically mark completed. This technical issue only happens when you pay with AliPay, WeChat Pay and PayMe. We guarantee we will ship your product and email your SF Express tracking number.

Is there a person that I can speak to when I have issues or questions?

Yes. Please whatsapp or email us for any questions or issues. We promise to reply you as soon as possible.